quechol sotol
branding and packaging design
Meaning “precious feather” in the Nahuatl language, QUECHOL is a colorfully crafted sotol that honors the Aztecs and their sacred reverence for birds. Derived from the dasylirion plant in the Mexican state of Durango, QUECHOL is made in small batches using time-honored traditions that are thoughtfully passed down from one generation of sotoleros to the next. These unique processes can yield subtle differences in the flavors of each batch, making every bottle of QUECHOL as rare as the sotoleros who make it. This radiant sotol is a spirit that soars, much like the eloquent poems of Nahuatl tradition.
The packaging for Quechol was designed to reflect and honor the divine bird and feather references found in Aztec poetry. The unique bottle shape was inspired by the shape of a spoonbill’s bill, being long, flat and curved, while the capsule showcases a bold turquoise colored plumage. The smooth, earth tone label has added fibers throughout for a unique appearance and showcases the brand mark with waves and grooves similar to that of a feather’s texture. Just below this is a piece of ancient Aztec poetry that is unique to each expression.

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